Contact : Jacques FREY , PhD, MD.

Dernière mise à jour       / Last release : March 7, 2008.


Themes / Main topics

Biochimie du collagene / Biochemistry of collagen

Glycation et vieillissement / Glycation and ageing

Stress oxydatif et biologie cellulaire / Oxidative stress and cell biology



Fatty sugars

Carbohydrates are classified through high-glycemic-index and low-glycemic-index by reference to their intestinal absorption. Carbohydrates with a high-glycemic-index, like glucose itself, honey or starch (potatoes, white bread, white rice, corn flakes) are able to release glucose in blood faster and to increase faster the post-prandial hyperglycemic level than sugars with a low-glycemic index. Fast absorption sugars are taken into account in the case of diabetes but their relationship with overweight is confuse. In non diabetic peoples, they are considered to be useful during physical exercise. But, by the insulin secretion increase, carbohydrates with a high-glycemic-index stimulate lipid synthesis into adipocytes and fat deposit. Considering the importance of overweight prevalence and to focus the attention on the relationship between fast absorption sugars and the fat, we suggest to name them : fatty sugars.



Frey J. Collagen, ageing and nutrition. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2004 Jan;42(1):9-12.

Meli M, Granouillet R, Reynaud E, Chamson A, Frey J, Perier C. In vitro glycoxidation of insoluble fibrous type I collagen: solubilization and advanced glycation end products. J Protein Chem. 2003 Aug;22(6):527-31.

Meli M, Granouillet OR, Reynaud E, Chamson A, Frey J, Perier C. Changes in glycation of fibrous type I collagen during long-term in vitro incubation with glucose. J Protein Chem. 2003 Aug;22(6):521-5.

Meli M, Frey J, Perier C. Native protein glycoxidation and aging. J Nutr Health Aging. 2003;7(4):263-6.

Frey J. [Pheromones: an underestimated communication signal in humans]. Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2003 May-Jun;61(3):275-8.

Feugeas JP, Manchon M, Augereau C, Derache P, Guerber F, Kahn F, Lefevre G, Magny E, Merlin M, Frey J. [Biochemical and pharmacological check-up in emergency orientation] Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2003 Jan-Feb;61(1):5-13.

Meli M, Perier C, Ferron C, Parssegny F, Denis C, Gonthier R, Laurent B, Reynaud E, Frey J, Chamson A. Serum pentosidine as an indicator of Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2002 Apr;4(2):93-6.

Le J, Rattner A, Chepda T, Frey J, Chamson A. Production of matrix metalloproteinase 2 in fibroblast reaction to mechanical stress in a collagen gel. Arch Dermatol Res 2002 Dec;294(9):405-10

Perier C, Granouillet R, Chamson A, Gonthier R, Frey J. Nutritional markers, acute phase reactants and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in elderly patients with pressure sores. Gerontology  2002 Sep-Oct;48(5):298-301.

Meli M, Perier C, Ferron C, Parssegny F, Denis C, Gonthier R, Laurent B, Reynaud E, Frey J, Chamson A. Serum pentosidine as an indicator of Alzheimer's disease. J. Alzheimer Dis. 2002 ; 4 : 93-96.

Frey J. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: are the cows mad or full of carbohydrates? Clin Chem Lab Med 2002 Feb;40(2):101-3

Massoubre C, Rattner A, Pellet J, Frey J, Chamson A. La cholécystokinine : mise au point. Nutr. Clin. Metabol. 2002 ;  16 : 4-13.

Chepda T, Cadau M, Lassabliere F, Reynaud E, Perier C, Frey J, Chamson A. Synergy between ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol on fibroblasts in culture. Life Sci 2001 Aug 24;69(14):1587-96.

Raby N, Frey J, Miadi H, Fournel  C, Bonneau C, Le J, Chamson A, Perier C. Acomparison of diferent methodologies  for estimating LDL-cholesterol. Medical Biochem. 2001;1:307-313.

Massoubre C, Rattner A, Lang F, Frey J, Périer C. Cholecystikinin characterization in urine by HPLC and immunoblotting. J. Liquid. Chrom. Rel. Technol. 2001;24:1365-1369.

Frey J. Is there sugar in the Alzheimer's disease? Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2001 May;59(3):253-7.

Chepda T, Cadau M, Girin P, Frey J, Chamson A. Monitoring of ascorbate at a constant rate in cell culture: effect on cell growth. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2001 Jan;37(1):26-30.

Labat B, Chepda T, Frey J, Rieu J, Aurelle JL, Douet M, Alexandre C, Chamson A Practice of a testing bench to study the effects of cyclic stretching on osteoblast-orthopaedic ceramic interactions. Biomaterials 2000 Jun;21(12):1275-81